Friday, December 24, 2010

Watch Ramayana The Epic 2010 Tamil Dubbed Movie Online

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Watch Ramayana The Epic 2010 Tamil Dubbed: The story "Ramayana" may already be familiar our ears because the story is never lost time eaten, and even now we often hear.

And I also believe if you ever heard the story "Ramayana" is, even you know better than my story.

The story that he became a legend in his place, and is now being heard was not just leave the story but it turns out there is his poetry.

Wow ,,,!! There was also poetry, The story of the past is very interesting for us to know, What is poetry as beautiful as the story.?

The poem is taken from the story "Ramayana" in which there are several words such as: Srimad, puis epic Ramayana, Srimad Valmiki Ramayana. which means as follows:

Srimad Valmiki Ramayana: is an epic poem of India which tells the journey of Virtue to annihilate vice versa. Sri Rama is the Hero and his aayana trip. We in India believe that Sri Rama lived in Treta Yug, millennia BC and we are currently concerned with what Srimad Valmiki Ramayana tells us, than when notified.

Ramayana epic poem: is Smriti which translates as "from memory". Given the antiquity of Srimad Valmiki Ramayana, there are several verses interrupted. Sometimes these verses can be contradictory. However, scholars, grammar, historians have put so much effort to standardize the original text, by verifying a variety of manuscripts that are available from various parts of India, thus trying to stabilize and save the text of further contradictions. An example of this effort is critical edition of Srimad Valmiki Ramayana. This site aims to study the various versions of Srimad Valmiki Ramayana and arrive at a version of the Ramayana that are most relevant to modern times.

Srimad Valmiki Ramayana:
is composed of verses called Sloka, in Sanskrit, which is the ancient language of India and one meter complex called Anustup. The verses are grouped into individual chapters called Sargas, where a particular event or purpose described. These chapters or sargas grouped into a book called Where Kaanda Kaandas mean inter-node cane, or also a certain phase of the story or event in the process of storytelling.

While stabilizing the original text of Ramayana, historians suspect that the two books [Kaandas], namely Book I, Bala Kaanda and Book VII, Uttara Ramayana (not listed above) are later additions - "The first and last book of Ramayana that later additions Most , consisting of Book II, -. VI, represents Rama as an ideal hero In Books I and VII, but Rama is made an avatara or incarnation of Vishnu, and epic poetry transformed into Vaishnava text .. reference to, Greek Parthians, and Sakas show that This book can not be earlier than the second century BC.

However, Book I, Balakanda considered the original version except for a few stories injected. The story starts from the fifth chapter Book I, and tradition demands it be read by others. This provision is not mandatory for Uttara Kaanda, a kaanda later, where the expulsion of Sita to the forest occurs. Theologian worship Sri Rama as the incarnation of God, the philosopher makes philosophical Absolute, while at the same time, materialists, condemning the above, appreciate the lyrical values Ramayana, but as a great devotee-singer says, "Whoever calls you in any way, you are that One ".

Ramayana contains the verses [sloka] arranged into various cantos [sarga] contained in 6 books as mentioned earlier. Each chapter, sarga, will be given briefly in the English language and prose at the beginning of each paragraph will be given to the Anglo-Sanskrit transliteration using ITRANS transliteration scheme developed by Avinash Chopde. A mapping table romanized Sanskrit and ITRANS also available on the website Avinash Chopde's. Each paragraph will be followed by Word by Word meaning followed by core and explained on the basis of theism, culture, literature as appropriate. The numbering of each paragraph will be in a format-Canto Book-Verse. We also provide a verse in Devanagari and Roman fonts for easy reading. This true-type fonts have been developed by Omkarananda Ashram, Himalayas. The author would like to express their deep gratitude and appreciation to Omkarananda Ashram to come up with these beautiful fonts and also to Avinash Chopde to develop ITRANS scheme.

Valmiki Ramayana in Sanskrit is being translated and presented by Sri Desiraju Hanumanta Rao (Bala, and Kishkindha Aranya Kanda) and Sri KMK Murthy (Ayodhya and Yuddha Kanda) with contributions from Naaga Durga Devi and Vaasudeva Kishore (Sundara Kanda); Smt. Desiraju Kumari, Smt. K. Rajeswari, with all the zeal and devotion to classical literature of India, with humility and respect for parents, experts and all those who appreciate the Srimad Valmiki Ramayana epic poetry.

Have you ever read a book or poem from the story "Ramayana" is? and what you can feel from stories contained therein, which until now have never been in eating time.